Writing Guidelines

The following are guidelines to have your proposal considered for publication on our website. If you would like to send an abstract of your article, please visit our contact us page.


Writing guidelines

  1. Your article is a short reflection piece/creative essay of around 500 – 1500 words, to be sent to us as an MS Word file.
  2. The title has a maximum limit of 15 words.
  3. Your author’s biography has a limit of 50 words.
  4. Use American English spelling.
  5. The language used is accessible for those who are not accustomed to the jargon and discourse common within your field. Your article needs to be readable and concise.
  6. The use of the active voice over the passive voice.
  7. You can use italics to highlight or emphasize.
  8. All foreign words should be written in italics.
  9. If possible, include literature on the topic for further reading.
  10. Include endnotes to correctly refer to sources used— we do not accept plagiarism.
  11. Titles of articles or books originally written in another language than English and mentioned in the article itself need to be followed by the English translation between brackets, if possible.