Towards Intentional Communities
I admit. I do not particularly find the greatest peace of mind in the company of others. I am forever grateful for those heartwarming moments shared with family and friends, but my solitude-loving self suffers from a pre-emptive, itchy phantom pain by the mere thought of the loss of so-much-needed long stretches of time by myself. It goes hand in hand with a deceitful feeling of complete independence and self-reliance, which makes, truth be told, little to no sense. Because even though the loner in me yearns for flying solo, the more I look around, the more I see that individualism as a way of being and, even more so,…
From Cattle to Steak: Know the Source
Living in Cairo for almost two years, I feel a sense of amazement to walk on grounds where the world’s most agricultural civilization ever has lived thousands of years ago. Agriculture was the foundation of the ancient Egyptian economy and was vital to the lives of the Egyptian people. To provide the civilization with food, the Egyptians were dependent on the gift of the Nile—the yearly flooding that left behind a black fertile soil, kemet, to grow crops and raise animals on. Animals, in particular cattle, were used to work the land—trample the seeds, pull the plough, and eat leftover grain—and to provide the Egyptians with food and drink. Agriculture…
Would It Be in the Spirit of the Sunnah to Be Vegan Today?
As a Bosnian married to a South African, our cultures are not unfamiliar with meat dishes. Akni or biryani is served for Eid or on weddings, and ćevapi is a traditional, Bosnian meat dish. Meat is an integral part of many cultures and religions. But are we overindulging in our meat consumption? After reading Mohamed Ghilan’s blog post on the Sunnah and veganism, a door to reflection opened. If Islam advocates protecting the environment and if today’s meat consumption contributes to an environmental crisis, are we actually practicing the Sunnah by eating meat? What is the Meaning of Sunnah? The core meaning of Sunnah is following the Prophet’s (saws) sayings,…
The Toil and Fruits of Farming: Wiiwii’s Farm
Blessed are the hands of a farmer who, through his hard labor and devotion, feeds mankind. Wael is an Egyptian farmer. With no previous experience in farming, Wael decided to leave the corporate world behind and, in February 2017, buy a plot of land that today he proudly calls Wiiwii’s Farm. Wiiwii’s Farm is an organic farm adorned with olive and lemon trees, vegetable and herb plants, chickens and goats, and the sound of birds that gives tranquility to the mind, far away from Cairo’s busy city life. Situated off Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, the owner of the farm, Wael Basheer, isolated himself from the metropolis by choice, to start his…
Muslim Ethical Consumption, and the Way ‘Back’ to a ‘New’ Normal
Blessed Be the Strangers A little over seven months into the Covid-19 pandemic, we are still trying to understand, make sense of, respond to, and perhaps even adapt to our new and unstable environment. Despite our different socio-economic backgrounds, geographic locations, the severity of the pandemic, our work and family situations, and our various privileges, the one thread that ties us together is how we all continue to experience and negotiate both familiarity and strangeness. Our Lives “Post”-Covid There is much that is foreign and unprecedented about our lives “post”-covid, and yet much remains familiar. For many of us, this has been a time to witness firsthand how norms are…